Friday, August 14, 2009

Town Halls Are Stacked -- for the Democrats

Have you ever wondered why the town hall meetings are so raucous except when Obama holds one? It does seem odd.

Chelsea Schilling from World Net Daily reports how town halls are being stacked by the White House using SEIU members, hand-picked audience members, Organizing for America and more.

Some of the audience members picked in Obama's town halls are:

  • Peter Schmidt, a state representative from Dover who gushed about Medicare.

  • 11-year-old Julia Hall from Malden, Mass., who came with her mother. Her mother is Kathleen Manning Hall, who helped organize a fundraiser for Obama's presidential campaign in August 2008 and has donated $3,271 to Obama's presidential campaign.

  • Debbie Smith, a volunteer for Organizing for America, Obama's political operation within the Democratic National Committee.

  • Paulette Guerin, a recent Democratic candidate for Wisconsin's 1st Congressional District. She is also a district coordinator for the Leadership Conference for Guaranteed Health Care, a national lobbyist organization for single payer health care, and Wisconsin state coordinator for the Progressive Democrats of America.

  • Sergio Salmeron, who contributed to Obama in 2008. He was also a volunteer canvasser for the campaign, performing voter registration and translation work. He a volunteer for the Democratic National Committee and an active organizer for Organizing for America.

  • Tom Sawner, who donated $250 to the Obama campaign on Oct. 27,2008 and an additional $2,750 to Virginia Democrats. He also served as an adviser on Obama's educational platform committee.

  • Carlos Del Toro, who was a Democratic candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates in 2007. He supported Obama during the general election and endorsed him in an Oct. 24, 2008, editorial.

  • Linda Bock, an SEIU member. Bock's chapter of the Service Employees International Union endorsed Obama, and she helped campaign and canvass for him.

  • Bonnee Breese, a member of Facebook's Pennsylvania for Obama page. Asked by the Post if she is an Obama supporter, she replied, "Of course!"

  • Another questioner said he worked for Health Care for America Now, and another identified herself as a member of the Service Employees International Union.

In addition, Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) held a town hall where a woman identified herself as Roxana Mayer. She presented herself as a doctor who supported health care reform but digging found her to be a fake. She admitted she is not a doctor.

New Hampshire's DMUR 9 News is reporting that Obama health care supporters are being driven to town hall meetings by the busload.

Help wanted ads are appearing on Craigslist that offer to pay citizens between $9 and $16 an hour to lobby for the passage of Obama's health care. One Sacramento Craig's List ad declares, "Help pass Obama's health care reform! Earn $325-$550 per week!" Other ads are appearing in Washington, D.C.; Columbus, OH; and Minneapolis, MN.

The full article is here.

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