Friday, September 25, 2009

Instead of Proving ACORN's Innocence, Attack the Conservatives

Eric Alterman at the liberal Center for American Progress weighs in on the ACORN controversy. Instead of trying to prove their innocence, he attacks everyone from James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles to the mainstream media.

He starts off talking about Jon Stewart's show, where Stewart mocked the press for missing the story. Alterman attacks Stewart: "The misdirected animosity toward the 'real reporters' in this instance was a rare misstep for the usually perspicacious press critic/comedian." Misdirected? ACORN endorses human trafficking, teenage sex slaves, tax evasion and more, and the animosity is 'misdirected' if it's pointing at ACORN?


He attacks the filmmakers, Fox News, George Stephanopoulos, the Associated Press and ABC News.

But he praises Salon. Oh yeah, there's some objective reporting for you.

You can find his attack piece here.

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