Thursday, October 8, 2009

Want to Make Money? Uncle Sam Wants to Give You $500 For Each Kid

If you're short on cash, just have more kids. So goes the thinking the government has.

To be fair, the government isn't offering the money to people to have kids. It wants to spur savings so it's willing to give $500 of taxpayer money to each newborn. The money will be put into savings accounts. It's called the America Saving for Personal Investment, Retirement, and Education (ASPIRE) Act.

And yes, that would include children of illegal aliens. It's for EVERY kid born in the U.S.

It has been pushed since 2004 but has yet to become law. Here is an article about why that is.

You can find the text of HR 3583 here.

You can find the original article here.

1 comment:

  1. Rather than allocate funds to each child directly, why not provide it to educational facilities, to which the child has jurisdiction, so that they may have the necessary resources to educate these same children. This measure would ensure that as young adults, they may be better prepared to become part of main stream society in the future.

    It's absolutely ridiculous to give these funds directly to individuals when we have eliminated so many educational programs.

    If I were the parent of any child having this entitlement, I would rather the entitlement be earmarked towards the local schools on behalf of my childs future.
