Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sharpton: Hating ACORN Is the Same as Hating Blacks

From Al Sharpton's article today, he recites instances in the past where blacks were kept from voting. And he says that because ACORN works on registering primarily minority voters, the campaign against them is just another way to keep blacks from voting.


So, if this organization is corrupt, we should let it stay that way so that it can register blacks to vote? As if those same blacks couldn't go down to the county offices and do it themselves? Or get another community group to do it?

Sharpton says, "But perhaps most impressive under ACORN’s extensive accolades has been its ability to register some 1.3 million to vote - and hence help give a voice to those who have been silenced for much too long." People without voices include Mickey Mouse in Orlando and football players in Vegas who are really from Texas.

He also says, "Let’s not forget that FOX News, upset over its dwindling viewership and simultaneous dwindling advertising dollars, has made it a point to attack anything that may have helped the first Black President win office."

Fox News' viewership is way up since Obama took office, not going down. When he talks about losing advertisers, he's probably talking about Glenn Beck's show. However, those advertisers switched their ads to other shows on Fox News.

You can read this piece of twisted logic here.

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